How To Create Your Own Ad-Free YouTube App With React

React Distraction Free YouTube


6 min read

YouTube has lots of educational information or infotainment data available, but it takes our focus away while an ad gets played. So, how about the approach where we can get override those ads and enjoy our educational or any kind of video? But this approach will need you develop your own app from scratch!

I know some of you might be thinking dude, there are adblockers or some modded apps that does the same! So what is the point? ๐Ÿค”

But here I am explaining two things:

  • The ethical way - i,e its the YouTube that will allow us to play ad-free videos and are aware about this.

  • The most important part i,e we will get to learn more of react.

PS: I have made basic App UI just to cover-up fundamentals so, you can improve it if you want it. ๐Ÿ˜…

Lets start ๐Ÿš€

1) Setting up App.js:

import './App.css';
import Header from './components/header'
import Body from './components/body'
import Footer from './components/footer'

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="main">
      <Header />
     <div className="container">
        <Body />
     <Footer />

export default App;

2) Components:

To make an optimized build, we divided our chunks of code into smaller components

  • header.js
  • body.js
  • footer.js

1) Header.js

We just used bootstrap's CSS to get quick start in our styling and our head does the same.

export default () => {
      <div className="bg-danger">
          <center><h1 className="text-white">&lt;YouTube Player /&gt;<span style={{fontSize: "small"}} className="d-inline fontVersion">v1.0 by Salman Qureshi</span></h1></center>

2. Body.js

This is our core engine which does all the required part.

  • For state management We used useState() hooks

  • To get YouTube videos We used official YouTube API v3, its free and easy to get your client API credentials. You can know more about YouTube API here ๐Ÿ‘‰ YouTube API

  • For asynchronous API Calls We used axios, axios is powerful alternative of JavaScript's fetch( ), it gives us flexible and full controll of every http request.

Thats it we're ready to go ๐Ÿƒ

import React, {useState} from 'react'
import axios from 'axios'
import ReactPlayer from 'react-player/youtube'

import PythonImg from "./../imgs/python.png"
import ReactImg from "./../imgs/reactjs.jpg"
import ReactNativeImg from "./../imgs/reactnative.png"
import GraphQLImg from "./../imgs/graphql.png"
import JSImg from "./../imgs/javascript.png"
import NodeImg from "./../imgs/nodejs.png"
import DenoImg from "./../imgs/deno.svg"
import TSImg from "./../imgs/typescript.png"
import DockerImg from "./../imgs/docker.png"

export default () => {
    const [data, setData] = useState('');
    const [searchBoxFlag, setSearchBoxFlag] = useState(false);
    const [skills, setSkills] = useState("Select a skill to load tutorial");
    const [playlistResponse, setPlaylistResponse] = useState([]);
    const [currentVideo, setCurrentvideo] = useState('');
    const [title, setTitle] = useState('Click n the video title from the play list to begin with');
    const [description, setDescription] = useState('Select a video');

    const [print,setPrint]=useState(false)
    const [btnState,setBtnState]=useState(true)
    const [space,setSpace]=useState(false)
    const [apPlaylistAPI]=useState('loading...')
    const [buffer,setBuffer]=useState('Enter Domain Name To Get Details....')
    const [showDomain, setDomain] = useState('')

// Function For Saving text to state
function getData(val){
    // console.warn(
    if(data !== ''){
    if(data === ''){
// Send data to API server
function submitData(){

    if(data === ''){
        // setBtnState(true)
        alert("Text box can't be empty!")
        // setData(''); //clear state buffer for user
        // Send data to API
        // var newUrl = 

        // Set loading gif after click
        // setBuffer(<img src={preloader} alt="Preloader" />)
        axios.get('' +data)
            .then((response) => {
                // console.log(;




    // buttons

    function submitSkillButton(skill){
        var playlistId = '';
        if(skill == 'python'){
            playlistId = "PLsyeobzWxl7poL9JTVyndKe62ieoN-MZ3"
        if(skill == 'reactjs'){
            playlistId = "PL4cUxeGkcC9ij8CfkAY2RAGb-tmkNwQHG"
        if(skill == 'reactnative'){
            playlistId = "PL4cUxeGkcC9ixPU-QkScoRBVxtPPzVjrQ"
        if(skill == 'graphql'){
            playlistId = "PL4cUxeGkcC9iK6Qhn-QLcXCXPQUov1U7f"
        if(skill == 'javascript'){
            playlistId = "PL4cUxeGkcC9i9Ae2D9Ee1RvylH38dKuET"
        if(skill == 'nodejs'){
            playlistId = "PLillGF-RfqbYRpji8t4SxUkMxfowG4Kqp"
        if(skill == 'deno'){
            playlistId = "PL4cUxeGkcC9gnaJdxuGvEGYQ9iHb8mxsh"
        if(skill == 'typescript'){
            playlistId = "PL4cUxeGkcC9gUgr39Q_yD6v-bSyMwKPUI"
        if(skill == 'docker'){
            playlistId = "PLhW3qG5bs-L99pQsZ74f-LC-tOEsBp2rK"

        console.log("Python button clicked!");
        axios.get('' +playlistId)
            .then((response) => {


                console.log("inside skills image");



    //next video of playlist

    function nextVideo(nextVideo, title, description){
        // console.log(description);

        <div className="bg-secon">

            <center><small className="text-black">Welcome To Distraction Free Youtube Learning Experience ๐Ÿ‘“</small>
                <h1 className="text-danger">What Do You Wanna Learn Today?</h1></center>
            <center><div className="my-2">
                            className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                            style={{width: "80px"}}
                            onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('python')}} />

                        className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                        style={{width: "80px"}}
                        onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('reactjs')}}
                        className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                        style={{width: "80px"}}
                        onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('reactnative')}}
                        className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                        style={{width: "80px"}}
                        onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('graphql')}}
                        className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                        style={{width: "80px"}}
                        onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('javascript')}}
                        className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                        style={{width: "80px"}}
                        onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('nodejs')}}
                        className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                        style={{width: "80px"}}
                        onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('deno')}}
                        className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                        style={{width: "80px"}}
                        onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('typescript')}}
                        className="pointer skill-img mx-1"
                        style={{width: "80px"}}
                        onClick={() => {submitSkillButton('docker')}}


                <div className="box" style={{textAign: "center"}} >
                    <div className="my-2">
                        <input type="text"
                        placeholder="Machine Learning..."
                        value = {data}        

                    <div className="my-2">
                        <button className="btn-danger"
                        disabled = {btnState}
                        onClick={() => {submitData()}}

            {/* main player  */}{
            searchBoxFlag ?

                    <div className="mainPlayer row">
                        <h1 style={{textAlign: "center"}}>Search Results For: {data}</h1>
                <div className="col-md-8 py-4 embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3" style={{backgroundColor: "#fcfcfc"}}>

                    onEnded={() => {alert("video ended!")}}

                    {/* <button onClick={() => {nextVideo()}}>Next Video</button> */}
                    <hr />

                <div className="col-md-4 overflow-auto" style={{height: "500px"}}>

                    {, idx){
                        return (<div className="playlistBox" key={idx}>
                                <div className="d-flex flex-row pointer" onClick={() => nextVideo(, d.snippet.title, d.snippet.description)}>
                                    <div className="p-2">
                                        <img src={d.snippet.thumbnails.default.url} className="media-object" />
                                    <div className="p-2">
                                        <p className="display media-heading">{idx+1}) {d.snippet.title}</p>

                                <hr />




            <div className="mainPlayer row">

                <div className="col-md-8 py-4 embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3" style={{backgroundColor: "#fcfcfc"}}>
                {/* // Render a YouTube video player */}
                <h3 style={{textAlign: "center"}}>{skills}</h3>

                    onEnded={() => {alert("Congratulations! You Have Completed This Module! Keep Learning and growing ๐Ÿ‘")}}

                    {/* <button onClick={() => {nextVideo()}}>Next Video</button> */}
                    <hr />

                <div className="col-md-4 overflow-auto" style={{height: "500px"}}>
                    <p className="bg-danger" style={{textAlign: "center"}}>Total items: {playlistResponse.length}</p>

                    {, idx){
                        return (<div className="playlistBox" key={idx}>
                                <div className="d-flex flex-row pointer" onClick={() => nextVideo(d.snippet.resourceId.videoId, d.snippet.title, d.snippet.description)}>
                                    <div className="p-2">
                                        <img src={d.snippet.thumbnails.default.url} className="media-object" />
                                    <div className="p-2">
                                        <p className="display media-heading">{idx+1}) {d.snippet.title}</p>
                                        {/* <p>{d.snippet.description}</p> */}
                                <hr />





If you made till here, I am glad to inform you that we have covered the most of the part and left with only footer.js which only contain meta data about our app and author credits and isn't necessary for the operation of our APP, you can replace footer by your own.

Here we go

3. Footer.js:

I first decided not to include footer on this article but I kept it for reference point of view.

export default function Footer(){

      <div class="container">
            <div class="m-4">
                  <p>Platform Developed By Salman Qureshi! This is beta version and other courses will be updated soon!</p>
                        <li>Distraction Free Youtube Learning</li>
                        <li>2x page optimization speed</li>
                        <li>Lite Version</li>
                        <li>Focused Learning</li>
                  <h3>Future Goals:</h3>
                        <li>User Base Personalization(Statefull)-will need your cookies :)</li>
                        <li>Dedicated Account for each user</li>
                        <li>Course Completion Tracking</li>
                        <li>....many more โค (P.S: I am out of ideas if you have one, inform me ๐Ÿ˜Š</li>

      <center>Source Code: <a href="" target="_BLANK">hotheadhacker/youtube-player</a></center>
<footer className="footer mt-2 bg-danger">
       <h3>Designed by ๐Ÿ˜† <a href="">Salman Qureshi</a></h3>
       <a href="" target="_BLANK"><i className="fab fa-github fa-2x mx-2 github"></i></a>
       <a href="" target="_BLANK"><i className="fab fa-twitter fa-2x mx-2 twitter"></i></a>
       <a href="" target="_BLANK"><i className="fab fa-instagram fa-2x mx-2 instagram"></i></a>
       <a href="" target="_BLANK"><i className="fas fa-mouse-pointer fa-2x mx-2 website"></i></a>
       <a href="" target="_BLANK"><i className="fas fa-envelope fa-2x mx-2 email"></i></a>
       <a href="" target="_BLANK"><i className="fas fa-blog fa-2x mx-2 blog"></i></a>

We have deployed our app on Netlify:

Here is the live preview of our app ๐Ÿ‘‰ YouTube APP

There are some files and project structure I have not discussed, for that I will leave my full GitHub repo containg all of the code required for this project below๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡.

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